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91 Days

91 Days CoverFINISHEDCheck in MAL


In the Prohibition era town of Lawless, a young boy named Angelo Lagusa experiences a horrific tragedy when his family is murdered by the Vanetti mafia. Forced to abandon his old life, he reinvents himself as Avilio Bruno.

Years later, fueled by a burning desire for revenge, Avilio receives an anonymous letter that draws him back to Lawless. He orchestrates a plan to infiltrate the Vanetti family by befriending Nero, the don's son.

91 Days follows Avilio's dangerous and calculated quest for retribution as he navigates the treacherous world of organized crime, seeking to avenge his family's death.

Watching Order (By Release Date)

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  • 91 Days Cover
    Television Icon91 DaysMain Entry | July 09, 2016Check in MAL
  • 91 Days: Mijikai Rousoku Cover
    Television Icon91 Days: Mijikai RousokuSummary | August 26, 2016Check in MAL
  • 91 Daze Cover
    Television Icon91 DazeSpin-Off | November 30, 2016Check in MAL
  • 91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata Ashita Cover
    Television Icon91 Days: Toki no Asase/Subete no Kinou/Ashita, Mata AshitaSequel | July 05, 2017Check in MAL